Tag: empty

quiet campus

quiet campus

Heyyy mina! Do you know what it’s like to go from a brimming campus to one so eerily quiet? Now that most of my college classes are online, the campus is pretty empty and it’s so different. This poem is about my experience with this change.


quiet campus


ghost of a 

brimming parking lot

no voices

no footsteps

one person goes by

no people chatting

on benches that cry


abandoned and 


have I entered

a world in the mirror

this isn’t the campus

of memories dear

the scraping silence

the sound of space

no breathing

no heart


is it chilling 

does my skin scream

or is it a dream

a dream



Only me (Poem)

Only me (Poem)

Hi, mina! How are you all? Back with another poem! The poetry class I’m going to really inspires me to write more, and I’m learning so much about poetry!! I love reading everyone’s styles they are so unique and curious.

This poem tonight is a feeling of no feeling. Not being able to feel. Not being able to pull away from oneself and feel the pain of others. Blankness. Here it is:


only me

why can’t I feel

anything other than me

bored of others’ problems

dwell in myself til

I’m sick 

forgive me but I

I cannot sympathize

anything you say is air

my head is too full of me

of me

I am a toddler

you, the toy I refuse

I want to cry until

until someone spoils me


I want to say “sorry”

but I cannot seem to speak

hearts are useless for vanity

but such is useless for me


others will comfort you

while I sit and watch them

can’t I tell you “I’m sorry”

your loss is nothing in my mirror


I’ve judged, I’ve ignored

ignored until the emotions go

you’ve never left me but

why do I feel alone, empty


the titanic falls but tears do not

the world burns, fiddle plays

I lay down with bodiless eyes

how do I feel. can I ever




Surrender (Poem)

Surrender (Poem)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Bum, bum, bum, I’m back with another poem! Sorry for the disappearance, but I’m glad to say I’m writing more and more, and my present novel is almost to 60,000 words!! Anyways, I was inspired to write this poem through a weird source. Misheard lyrics. XD Ironically, It’s kind of dark though… the poem is a warning and tale of what happens when you surrender to the darkness. Don’t give in. With every win, you become strong enough to abandon the darkness altogether, through God’s help. HE alone can give you the keys out of your prison. If you but ask him for it. It is you who must make the first step in accepting those keys and it is you who must make the journey to the door, to the light of the day where darkness shall never surround you again. Don’t surrender.




The floor is black

The sand is gone

I search through deep

Amid the crumb


My mind is cold

My heart is gone

My eyes don’t follow



I scare can breathe

The room is closing

The door is gone

I’m overdosing


I don’t search

The point is lost

I sink to the muck

My life is lost.
